The Slater Hayes Podcast is designed to highlight the everyday occurrences of life via poetry and social commentary. They are poignant, insightful pieces that address all facets of the black experience with the desired outcome of evoking thought and conversation. Each piece directly or indirectly addresses various topics as experienced through the unique perspective of blacks.

Born March 16, 1961, in Jackson, Mississippi, Herman Veal is a Poetic Activist and passionate wordsmith who found a love for writing at an early age. He began using writing as a vehicle to explain social ills and describe the world from his point of view. He has always been known as the guy who stands for what’s right and shares his opinions in a way that provokes thought and intrigue. As a 4th grade student, Herman’s teacher told him, “You’re going to be able to do something great with the way you put words together.” She even often thought he would become an attorney someday.
As a young man, Herman was the tallest kid in the neighborhood and that worked out in his favor. When Herman was in middle school he found a new love in basketball and became very successful. In 8th grade, Herman was cut from the team, but he worked hard to regain his place upon entering 9th grade. As he continued training, learning and growing, Herman found his way to playing for the University of Maryland where he played, wrote and advocated for what he believed in. He played hard and was a

team player, his teammates knew this and nicknamed him Slater Hayes to pay tribute to his turnaround jump shot a la Elvin Hayes. They added Slater because it was a name that conveyed toughness and a blue collar work ethic. Herman is a renowned defensive player who is remembered for handcuffing Jordan, Worthy, Alarie, Green, Charles, Winters and a host of other prominent players of his era. Though he loves the game of basketball, his true passion has always been for writing. While in college Herman wrote essays, gave presentations and created compositions that expressed his social and political views on how to impact change. After graduating from college, Herman Veal was drafted by the Phoenix Suns. Throughout his athletic career, Herman always found his way back to poetry. In February 2021, Herman started The Slater Hayes Podcast as a unique collection of the social commentary formulated in Herman’s mind. Many of his works are impressed on him through his spiritual connection with God. As he is given the themes and verbal expressions of truth, he writes tirelessly redeeming his gifts in hope of impacting youth and society. Herman attributes much of his success to his wife of 25 years, Marjorie and all those who give him the impetus to allow God to use him in this way.